11 Αυγ 2017

Προσευχητάριον γιὰ 300 περιστάσεις τῆς ζωῆς μας κατὰ τὴν παράδοση τοῦ Ἁγίου Ἀρσενίου καὶ Παϊσίου

ΜΟΛΙΣ κυκλοφόρησε ἀπὸ τὸν Ι.Ναὸ Παναγίας παλαιοῦ Ναυπλίου το ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗΤΑΡΙΟΝ ΓΙΑ 300 ΠΕΡΙΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΖΩΗΣ ΜΑΣ  ΚΑΤΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΑΡΣΕΝΙΟΥ  ΚΑΙ ΠΑΪΣΙΟΥ στὴν ἀγγλικὴ γλώσσα. Ἕνα εὐλογημένο καὶ χρήσιμο βιβλίο θερμῆς προσευχῆς γιὰ ὅλο τὸν κόσμο γιὰ τοὺς Ἀγγλόφωνους Ὀρθοδόξους Χριστιανούς.
 Τηλ. 2752024166

THE PSALTER of the prophet David is a divinely inspired and very heart touching book. It was written with divine light that makes reference to all needs, difficulties and which often reposed and gave rest to people that suffered life’s pains throughout its long path.
 The Psalter has so many powerful and deep meanings, that even if you gather all the theologists and philologists together, they won’t be able to write a psalm with meanings like these. And even if they do write something, it will be like a paper flower. Prophet David wasn’t a Harvard Professor, but what he wrote had so....
much depth. It is obvious that he was guided by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, receiving psalms from this divinely inspiring source, we use all the psalms of the Psalter as a prayer, defining one psalm for each case.

Thus we pray for our different needs, trials, problems, illnesses and different life’s circumstances of people in pain and with the Psalter as a divine catalyst we are able to heal every issue. 

Saint Paisios of Mount Athos used to say about the psalms:

“With the Psalter I feel jubilation, it is full of prophecy, full of consolation.”

“In a difficult situation, if you read the Psalter, you will feel relief, redemption, confidence that God will help you... It is thunderbolt to the devil. How much consolation do I find in the Psalter! That hour and a half I read the Psalter, I see it as the most positive assistance towards the world. In the winter that I suffered a lot from hernia, I was reading it standing up. From my eyes there were running tears from the unbearable pains. With one hand I was tucking the hernia and with the other I was holding the Psalter. I was striking the devil with a firearm. The devil got furious...”

 Thus continuing, albeit unworthily, St Paisios’ prayer tactic, we summarized all the Psalms of David, classifying them according to the use the Saint was giving them.

 We also referred to other contemporary needs and modern day problems that we encounter in our daily lives like depression, cancer, dangers of the Internet, drugs and more.

With this way we are referring to 300 cases, of many contemporary problems, as also you can see the contents, with the appropriate psalm for each time.

Our intention is for this Prayer Book, to live and indulge in, the secret and heartily prayer of each faithful believer.

To give grip and reason, place and manner for more prayer and therefore this contributes to a person’s touch with God, ephemeral with Heaven, land with eternity.

Father Dionisios Tabakis
I.Naos Genniseos Theotokou (Panagouda) Naflpio.
15 August 2017
In celebration of  Virgin Mary

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